Thursday, January 25, 2007

A new NZ wine blog

New blog: The Wine Consultant - check out this informative New Zealand blog about the world of wine - well worth a look.


  1. What a way to keep us all in suspense.. Can't wait! Have a good night out, sounds as though you've earned it!

  2. Cheers for the link Nigel! When you posted it the blog was down due to a upgrade I was doing. Love that rewena bread post going to have a go at making it.

  3. Thanks Mary! Paul, I wasn't entirely happy with the outcome - if you use my recipe, I hope it turns out better than mine did. Try google too; it would be interesting to compare and contrast the end results of our efforts if you used a different recipe.

  4. I'll have a go this week and let you know

  5. Sorry no progress yet on the bread yet. Discussing a food and wine bloggers drinks up in Auckland. Interested?

  6. Hey Paul, thanks for the offer but work has me tied to the Bay until the end of April! And people think indentured labour has disappeared... ;-)

  7. ave a good night out, sounds as though you've earned it [URL=""]wine gift[/URL]
