Hello! Remember me? It's been ages since my last post! With the apple harvest at work winding down after two and a half hectic months, I finally have time on my hands to resume blogging. I have a mass of potential posts flying around my head, with topics ranging from the mutton bird season (well under way now), recipes from the international staff employed at the orchard, and even a review of some crocodile pies! But, first things first: the Easter Blogging By Post event. Back in Easter, I received a mysterious package in the mail. Thinking it might have been the large sum of money owed me by that nice Nigerian man I've helped repeatedly over the last few months, I was instead pleasantly surprised to discover that it was my BBP package from Arfi over at HomeMades! I was the lucky recipent of some home grown garlic, some nashi pears picked from the Binstead family orchard, a deliciously moist and yummo Marble Cheese Brownie cake (fantastic marble effect, Arfi - my photo doesn't do it justice), a block of moist and flavoursome fruit butter and a jar each of Damson plum jam and Damson plum sauce - brilliant! Many thanks Arfi - your talent and skill is only exceeded by your kindness and generosity. My BBP person was Jules from the Wine Wanker - hope he liked his parcel! My next post: a look at the end-of-season hangi we had at the orchard last Friday. It was absolutely fantastic - come back soon for the post!
In New Zealand, a country filled with magnificent kai (the Maori word for food), there exists little-known & under appreciated morsels that I intend sharing with you, dear reader...