Great Finds, The other day I found a Moulis herb mill at White Traders in Hastings. Same excellent condition as yours, We use it all the time and when were not its on display with all my other old baking utility's. Liked your post a while ago about the lambs tails, We have got some in the freezer ready to cook up some time. Great Blog.
White Traders is one of my favourite places! Make sure you check under the tables & displays; the store is so jam-packed with stuff that you'll find goods sitting there, some surprising bits & pieces too. I usually pop in once a week as part of my second hand store circuit, after Wednesday. And thank you! I'm glad you like the blog :)
In New Zealand, a country filled with magnificent kai (the Maori word for food), there exists little-known & under appreciated morsels that I intend sharing with you, dear reader...
Great Finds, The other day I found a Moulis herb mill at White Traders in Hastings. Same excellent condition as yours, We use it all the time and when were not its on display with all my other old baking utility's. Liked your post a while ago about the lambs tails, We have got some in the freezer ready to cook up some time. Great Blog.
White Traders is one of my favourite places! Make sure you check under the tables & displays; the store is so jam-packed with stuff that you'll find goods sitting there, some surprising bits & pieces too. I usually pop in once a week as part of my second hand store circuit, after Wednesday. And thank you! I'm glad you like the blog :)
Find a Cadbury's cabinet and I will be really impressed!
You & me both - we'll go hunting in March, yeah?
Interesting cast iron pan.
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